There are many current issues that affect the residents of Scott Township. As the township continues to grow and new issues arise, I will remain committed to transparency, financial responsibility and public involvement.
Budget Process
The current budget process is a mystery for most Scott Township residents. The public has a right to make their opinions on the township’s plans to spend their money known, and they deserve to know how that money is actually spent throughout the year.
Public Records
Township records need to be available for its citizens to review, and living in the Information Age as we do, there is no reason not to post everything from meeting minutes to contracts and agreements to annual budgets online.
Scott Ball Fields
I support the development and maintenance of this quality recreation area where our children’s softball and baseball teams can play and where pickleball enthusiasts can find a good game.
Scott Township Park
As more rural ground gets developed into housing, it is vital to protect our natural resources now for current and future generations to enjoy.
Cemetery Care
Scott Township is responsible for maintaining four small cemeteries. We owe it to those who have gone before us to look after their final resting places and keep them in a dignified state.
Public Purchasing
There is a right way and a wrong way to spend the taxpayers’ money, and we need to ensure that we are spending it responsibly as well as legally.
Fire Territory
We are lucky to be served by a homegrown professional firefighting and paramedic service. We need to ensure that all of our first responders have the necessary quality resources and work environment that they need to continue their tradition of excellent service.
Township Assistance
Township government in Indiana is specifically charged with providing financial assistance to its citizens in need. Formerly known as “poor relief,” township assistance most often consists of help with paying rent, utilities, and food among other things for those who qualify. We need to make sure that we are spending our township assistance money in a way that is equitable for recipients and responsible for the taxpayers.
Public Meetings
Citizens deserve to know when their government officials gather to conduct public business, and they deserve to be able to attend in person. Our township board meetings should be held at times and in locations that are convenient, spacious, and accessible for everyone.
Public Engagement
Good government needs more than just politicians running it. It needs its citizens to be engaged at all levels to make their needs and desires known to help the elected officials make good policy decisions for their communities. I encourage all residents of Scott Township to share their opinions, and for my part, I will always be willing to consider them as your advocate in township government.